How to apply makeup when you don’t have eyelashes?

Il n’est pas un secret que les cils jouent un rôle important dans l’amélioration de la beauté. Ils encadrent vos yeux et ajoutent de la définition à votre visage, ce qui en fait l’un des produits de beauté les plus recherchés sur le marché. Mais que se passe-t-il lorsque vous n’avez pas de cils ? Que ce soit en raison de conditions médicales telles que l’alopécie ou les traitements de chimiothérapie pour les patients atteints de cancer, ou simplement de la génétique – si vous n’avez pas de cils naturels, il existe encore des moyens de les compenser avec du maquillage. Voici quelques conseils et astuces sur la façon d’appliquer le maquillage lorsque vous n’avez pas de cils.

Try False Eyelashes

False eyelashes are a great way to give yourself fuller looking lashes without having to worry about applying mascara or liner every day. They come in various shapes and sizes so you can find ones that suit your eye shape best. Plus, they’re easy to apply – all you need is a pair of tweezers and some glue! The biggest downside is that false eyelashes can be uncomfortable at times but they do look great when applied correctly!

False Eyelashes

Fill In Missing Eyelashes With Eyeliner

If applying false eyelashes aren’t an option for you, then another great way of creating the illusion of fullness is by using an eyeliner pencil or gel liner. This will help fill in any gaps between your natural lashes and create a more defined lash line without having to use falsies. You can also use this technique if you want more volume than what’s provided by your natural lashes alone! Just make sure not to go overboard with the liner as this could end up looking unnatural.

Smokey Eye

Another great way of creating a dramatic look even without any natural lashes is by doing a smokey eye makeup look. This involves using darker shades around the edges of your eyes which will create depth and dimension even without long lush lashes framing them! All you need are some good quality eye shadows, brushes and blending techniques – voila! You’ll have gorgeous smoky eyes that will draw attention away from missing lushes completely!

Smokey Eye

Highlight Other Areas Of Your Face

Finally, if all else fails – why not focus on highlighting other areas of your face instead? Applying highlighter onto cheekbones or brow bones can help draw attention away from missing lushes while still giving off an effortless glow! Using bronzer along the jawline or blush on apples cheeks can also help enhance features like these which may be lacking due to lack of natural lushes too.

Use An Eyelash Growth Serum

If none of these methods work for you, then perhaps it’s time for something more permanent? Investing in an eyelash growth serum such as Latisse or RevitaLash may help stimulate growth within weeks, depending on how severe the lash loss has been caused by alopecia, etc. It’s important, however, to consult with a dermatologist before using any kind of medication like this as there may be potential side effects associated with it too!

All in all, applying makeup when one doesn’t have naturally occurring lashes doesn’t necessarily mean it’s game over – there are many ways one can still enhance their beauty despite lacking them, such as using magnetic liner/mascara combos, fake lashes/extensions, etc. Furthermore, investing in lash serums specifically formulated towards aiding hair growth may also prove beneficial over time too – just make sure proper consultation has taken place first prior to doing so though!

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