How to Apply False Eyelashes, fake lash application

Applying false lashes can be tricky and intimidating if you’ve never done it before. Fortunately, we’re here to help! This guide will walk you through the steps of how to apply false eyelashes so you can have stunningly beautiful eyes with ease.

Choose What Type of False Lash Do You Want

The first step in applying false lashes is deciding what type you want to use. There are many different kinds available, including individual lashes, strip lashes, lash extensions, and more. Each type has its own pros and cons that will affect your decision on which one is best for your needs.

Individual lashes are great for those who want a natural look or just need a few extra hairs at the outer corners of their eyes. These tiny clusters come with adhesive already attached so they’re easy to apply – simply dip each cluster into some glue and press it onto your lash line where needed. The downside is that these require more time and effort than other types of false eyelashes because each cluster must be applied individually.

Strip lashes are probably the most common type of falsies out there – they come pre-made with a strip of hair attached to an adhesive band (hence the name). All you have to do is measure up the length against your eye shape, trim off any excess if necessary, then carefully apply some glue along the band before adhering it as close as possible to your lash line (make sure not to get any on your skin!). Strip lashes offer lots of volume but don’t last very long since they don’t adhere as well as other types due to their large size and weight; however, they can be removed easily by peeling them off when you’re ready for bed or taking off all your makeup at night time.

fake lash application

Lash extensions are another option that give longer-lasting results than strip or individual falsies but also require more maintenance since they must be filled in every few weeks in order for them to stay looking full and lush. Extensions consist of individual hairs that are applied one by one directly onto your natural eyelashes using tweezers or special applicators; once done correctly these look incredibly realistic and provide much fuller coverage than either strips or individuals alone could ever achieve! However keep in mind that this method requires professional help so make sure you find someone experienced with this technique before attempting it yourself at home – otherwise things could go wrong quickly!

Apply The False Lashes: Step By Step Guide

Once you’ve chosen the type of lashes you want, it’s time to start applying them. Here are the steps you should follow:

1. Prepare Your Natural Lashes

Before you apply your false eyelashes, make sure your natural lashes are ready by brushing them with a clean mascara wand and curling them slightly if needed. This will help the falsies blend in better once they’re on.

2. Removing The Lashes From The Box

Next, carefully remove the false lashes from their box or container – be careful not to rip or tear them as this can cause damage that can’t be fixed easily! Gently pull each lash away from its base so that it comes off without any problems.

3. Measuring-Up The Lashes

Now measure up the length of your false eyelash against your eye shape and trim off any excess if necessary. It’s best to err on the side of caution when doing this as cutting too much off could leave you with lashes that don’t fit properly or look unnatural when applied.

4. Cut The Lashes To The Size You Want

When cutting down your false eyelash strip, it helps to bend it into an arc shape before snipping off any excess hair at either end; this way, it will more closely resemble your natural lash line once applied and won’t stick out like a sore thumb! Once done, gently fold over the cut ends onto themselves to create a rounded edge (this will also help prevent any potential poking).

5. Applying The Glue Correctly

Now comes one of the trickiest parts: applying glue correctly so that it doesn’t get everywhere! Start by squeezing some adhesive onto a cotton bud or disposable brush, then draw a thin line along where your natural lashes meet the fake ones – don’t go too close to either end as this could result in clumping later on down the line (literally!). Make sure not to put too much glue on either side, otherwise, this may cause issues when trying to adhere them later on. Allow about 30 seconds for the glue to become tacky before continuing – if you skip this step, then chances are good that things won’t stay put for very long. If you want to keep your false lashes for several days, you’ll need to take good care of them afterwards.

6. Adhere The Strip To Your Lash Line And Press It Into Place

Once everything is ready, carefully press one side of your false lash strip into place along where your natural lashes meet; use tweezers here if needed to get everything aligned correctly. Hold it there for around 10 seconds while pressing firmly with both hands until secure, then repeat on the other side – try not to blink during this process as movement can disrupt things quite easily! If all goes well, then congratulations – now just sit back and admire how amazing those newly enhanced eyes look!

7. Fix Mistakes With Eyeliner

If after all that hard work, there are still some gaps between where real meets fake or some clumps of glue showing through, then fear not – simply take an eyeliner pencil and draw along these areas until everything blends together nicely again (it helps if you match up colors beforehand). Doing so will also give added definition, which looks great against those beautiful eyeshadows we know everyone loves wearing nowadays anyway.

Applying false eyelashes isn’t always easy, but with practice, anyone can do it perfectly every time – just remember these few simple steps, and soon enough, those stunning eyes will be turning heads wherever you go! False eyelashes offer lots of volume and glamour, which no amount of mascara alone ever could achieve; plus, false eyelashes are reusable too, making them an even more cost-effective way of adding drama than regular makeup products would ever allow for…so what’s stopping us? Go ahead, ladies – unleash those gorgeous peepers already!

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