10 Facts about eyelashes you must know

Here are 10 facts about eyelashes that you may find interesting:

Function of Protection: Eyelashes play a crucial role in protecting our eyes from foreign particles like dust, debris, and insects. They act as a barrier, triggering a reflex to close the eyes when something touches them.

Lifespan: The average lifespan of an eyelash is about three months. After this period, the lash falls out and is replaced by a new one.

Growth Cycle: Eyelashes go through a three-phase growth cycle: anagen (active growth phase), catagen (transition phase), and telogen (resting phase). Each eyelash is at a different stage of this cycle at any given time.

Number of Eyelashes: On average, humans have about 150 to 200 upper eyelashes and 75 to 100 lower eyelashes. However, the exact number can vary among individuals.

Length and Thickness: The length and thickness of eyelashes are determined by genetics. Some people naturally have longer, thicker lashes, while others have shorter, thinner lashes.

Curvature: The natural curvature of eyelashes also varies. Some people have naturally straight lashes, while others have lashes that curl upward or downward.

Mascara’s Effect: Mascara is a popular cosmetic product used to enhance the appearance of eyelashes. It typically contains pigments and fibers that make the lashes look longer, thicker, and more voluminous.

False Eyelashes: False eyelashes, also known as fake eyelashes or lash extensions, are artificial lashes that can be temporarily applied to enhance the length and volume of natural lashes.

Eyelash Shedding: Just like the hair on our heads, eyelashes naturally shed. On average, people lose 1 to 5 eyelashes per day. This shedding is a normal part of the eyelash growth cycle.

Lash Care: Proper eyelash care is essential for maintaining healthy lashes. This includes avoiding excessive rubbing or pulling, removing makeup gently, and using lash-friendly products to avoid damage and premature lash loss.

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