Why You Should Clean Your Lashes

In order to keep eyelash extensions looking their best, it is important to clean them regularly. Cleaning eyelash extensions helps improve lash retention, reduce the risk of infection and keep your natural lashes healthy.

Why Is Cleaning Eyelash Extensions Important?

Cleaning your eyelash extensions is essential for maintaining the health of both your natural lashes and the extension themselves. It can help prevent infections caused by bacteria or fungus that can build up on the lashes over time if not cleaned properly. Regular cleaning also helps maintain their shape, color and texture as well as keeping them free from dirt, dust, oil and makeup residue which can all contribute to premature shedding of the lash extension.

Improve Lash Retention

Regularly cleaning your eyelashes will help extend their life span as dirt and debris can cause premature shedding of the lash extension before its natural cycle has been completed. By removing this debris with a gentle cleanser specifically designed for use with eyelashes you will be able to keep them looking fresh for longer periods of time without having to replace them as often. This also ensures that you get maximum value out of each set of extensions since they won’t need replacing prematurely due to poor maintenance practices such as not cleaning regularly or using unsuitable products like oil-based makeup removers which can damage the delicate structure of the lashes leading to breakage or loss of volume over time.

Reduce Risk Of Infection

Cleaning your eyelash extensions regularly is also important for reducing the risk of infection. Bacteria and fungus can build up on the lashes over time if not cleaned properly, leading to irritation and discomfort in the eye area as well as potentially more serious infections. By removing this buildup with a gentle cleanser specifically designed for use with eyelashes you can reduce your chances of developing any kind of infection or other issues related to poor hygiene practices.

lash cleaning

Keep Your Natural Lash Healthy

Regularly cleaning your eyelash extensions will also help keep your natural lash healthy by removing dirt, dust, oil and makeup residue which can all contribute to premature shedding of the lash extension. This ensures that you get maximum value out of each set of extensions since they won’t need replacing prematurely due to poor maintenance practices such as not cleaning regularly or using unsuitable products like oil-based makeup removers which can damage the delicate structure of the lashes leading to breakage or loss of volume over time.

How To Clean Eyelash Extensions Step-By-Step

The following steps will help you clean your eyelash extensions correctly:

  1. Gently remove any makeup from around your eyes using an oil free cleanser before starting the cleaning process.
  2. Use a soft brush designed specifically for eyelash extensions to gently remove any dirt, dust or debris from around your eyes and lashes.
  3. Use a mild shampoo specifically designed for use with eyelashes in order to avoid damaging them further. Avoid getting any product into your eyes when washing off shampoo residue as this could cause irritation or even worse – an infection!
  4. Rinse thoroughly with lukewarm water ensuring that all traces of product have been removed from around your eyes and lashes before patting dry gently with a clean towel.
  5. Finally, use a specially formulated conditioner on both natural and synthetic lashes after every cleansing session in order to keep them soft and supple while avoiding excess breakage due to dryness or brittleness caused by regular wear and tear associated with daily activities such as sleeping, exercising etc…
  6. Allow at least 30 minutes between each cleansing session in order for the conditioning agents found within these special products to work their magic!
  7. For best results make sure that you don’t miss out on these crucial steps during each cleansing session – it’s important that you follow through until completion!
  8. Last but not least, make sure that you don’t forget about keeping up good hygiene habits even after completing these steps – always remember to wash hands before touching/applying anything near/around eye area (especially when applying mascara). This is especially important if you are visiting a professional lash artist who may have handled multiple sets prior yours without taking proper precautions against cross contamination!

It is clear that it is very important for anyone wearing eyelash extensions should take care in properly cleaning their lashes on a regular basis in order ensure optimal retention time while preventing infections caused by bacteria or fungus buildup on the natural lash line itself. It only takes a few minutes every week but those few moments could be crucial towards maintaining healthy looking beautiful eyes without having worry about premature shedding or possible health complications down line due lack maintenance practices associated with proper hygiene routines involving eye areas!

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