Eyelash extension glue is a type of adhesive used to attach false eyelashes or extensions to natural lashes. When applied properly, it’s safe and effective. However, if the glue gets into your eyes, it can cause irritation and even damage to the delicate tissues of the eye.
Can Eyelash Glue Damage Your Eyes?
Yes, eyelash extension glue can damage your eyes if it gets into them. The adhesive contains chemicals that can irritate the sensitive tissues of the eye and cause redness, swelling, itching, burning sensations, or other signs of discomfort or pain. If left untreated for too long, these symptoms may become more severe and could even lead to permanent vision loss in some cases. Additionally, some people may experience an allergic reaction when exposed to certain ingredients found in lash glues, which could be even more serious than just irritation alone.
How To Prevent Eyelash Glue From Damaging Your Eyes?
The best way to prevent eyelash glue from damaging your eyes is by following proper application techniques when applying false lashes or extensions with lash adhesive:
- Start by washing your hands thoroughly before touching any products that come into contact with your eyes.
- Ensure that you are working on a clean surface free of debris.
- Carefully remove each individual lash from its packaging without tearing them.
- Apply a thin line of adhesive along the base of each lash.
- Allow sufficient time for the adhesive to dry before opening up your eyes.
- Once all lashes are attached securely, open up both eyes slowly and gently close them again once they are fully open.
- Clean up any excess adhesive around the area with water-based makeup remover or oil-free cleanser specifically formulated for use around the eye area.
- Finish off by using a cotton swab dipped in water-based makeup remover (not oil-based.) around edges where needed so no residue remains on the skin or lashes after removal.
In addition, it’s best to use an eyelash extension glue for sensitive eyes.
What To Do If You Get Eyelash Glue In Your Eye?
If you get eyelash glue in your eye, the best thing to do is flush it out immediately with lukewarm water. It’s important to avoid using hot or cold water as this could further irritate the eye and make the problem worse. You should also seek medical help if you experience any signs of an allergic reaction, such as redness, swelling, itching, or burning sensations that don’t go away after a few minutes of flushing out the area with water. To avoid any problems, it’s essential to follow all the safety rules learned during eyelash extension certification.
Eyelash extension glue can be safe and effective when applied properly, but it can cause serious damage to your eyes if it gets into them. To prevent this from happening, always follow proper application techniques when applying false lashes or extensions with lash adhesive. If you do get eyelash glue in your eye, flush it out immediately with lukewarm water and seek medical help if necessary. With these tips in mind, you can protect your eyes from potential harm caused by lash glues and enjoy beautiful eyelashes without worrying about potential side effects.