Eyelashes are one of the most important features of the face, as they frame and define the eyes. They come in a variety of lengths and styles, but no matter what type you have, it is essential to know their life cycle so that you can keep them looking healthy and beautiful. We will explore the life span of an eyelash, including its growth cycle, shedding phase, and how to extend its life with proper care.
What are Eyelashes?
Eyelashes are specialized hairs that grow from follicles located at the edge of the eyelids. Each lash consists of two parts: a base (the part closest to the eye) and a tip (the end). The average person has about 150-200 lashes per eye, although this number can vary depending on factors such as age or genetics. They provide protection for our eyes by blocking out dust particles and other debris from entering our eyes.
The human eyelash lifespan
The human eyelash lifespan has been a topic of interest for many researchers over the years. While there is no definitive answer, it is widely believed that the average lifespan of an eyelash is around three months. This is because each eyelash goes through a cycle of growth, rest, and shedding, known as the eyelash growth cycle. During the growth phase, the eyelash grows for up to 30 days before it enters a resting phase, which lasts for another 30 days. Finally, the eyelash sheds during the last phase of the cycle, which can take up to two weeks. However, this lifespan can vary depending on a range of factors such as genetics, age, and overall health.
The growth cycle of an eyelash is similar to that of any other human hair; it goes through three distinct phases: anagen (growth), catagen (transition), and telogen (resting). During the anagen phase, new lashes start to form in their follicles before pushing out older ones as they reach full length – usually between 6-8 weeks. As each lash reaches maturity it enters into a short transition period known as catagen before entering its resting phase known as telogen where it will remain until eventually being shed naturally or replaced by another growing lash.

Shedding Phase
The shedding phase typically occurs after around six weeks when each lash has reached full length – meaning only one third of your natural lashes will be actively growing at any given time while two thirds will be in various stages of rest or shedding off naturally every few days. While this process is natural for all people, some may experience excessive shedding due to factors such as hormonal changes or stress, which can cause their lashes to fall out faster than normal. It’s important not to pull or rub your eyes during this stage since doing so can damage both your skin and remaining hairs, causing them to become weaker over time, leading to potentially permanent hair loss in extreme cases!
How To Extend The Life Of Your Lashes
There are several ways you can help extend the lifespan of your eyelashes:
- Avoiding oil-based makeup removers, which tend to strip away essential moisture needed for healthy growth cycles.
- Using products specifically designed for lash health, like serums containing biotin and vitamins.
- Avoiding extensions, which add extra weight onto delicate follicles.
- Opting instead for more natural alternatives like false lashes or Lash Lift treatments, which use special solutions/tools to curl up existing hairs without damaging them too much over time.
- Always remember to take good care of yourself by eating right, exercising regularly, and getting plenty of sleep, so your body stays strong enough to support a strong and beautiful, long-lasting set of lashes.
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