Lash lift aftercare: our top tips

Lash lifts involve curling and tinting your natural lashes, giving you a long-lasting lift without any maintenance or upkeep. While they are relatively easy to care for after the procedure is done, there are still some best practices that you should follow to ensure that your lashes remain healthy and beautiful for as long as possible.

Why take care of your lash lift?

Lash lifts can be a great way to enhance your natural beauty without having to worry about maintaining them every day. However, just like with any other beauty treatment, proper aftercare is essential in order for them to last as long as possible and maintain their health and appearance over time. Taking good care of your lashes will help prevent them from becoming damaged or weakened due to exposure to environmental factors such as heat, humidity, and UV rays. Additionally, proper care will help keep them looking full and healthy by preventing tangles caused by products containing oil or mascara buildup on the lashes themselves.

How To Take Care Of Your Lash Lift?

Taking good care of your lash lift is essential if you want it to last its full length of time (usually 8 weeks). Here are some tips on how best to do this:

Take extra care during the first 24 hours

During this period, it’s important not to rub or wet your lashes at all so that they don’t become damaged before they have had a chance to set properly into their new shape. It’s also important not to apply any products such as makeup remover, face cream, or conditioner until at least 24 hours have passed since getting the procedure done. These types of products contain oils which could weaken and damage your lashes before they have had time to set properly into their new shape.

Skip eye products containing oil

Products such as eye makeup removers and facial cleansers often contain oils which can weaken the adhesive used during the process, weakening it even further if exposed to water while showering or swimming, resulting in premature loss of curl.

take care of your lash lift

Don’t wear waterproof mascara

Waterproof mascaras contain strong chemicals which could react negatively with those used during application, causing damage not only during immediate removal but also over time through repeated use.

Groom daily

Gently brushing out curls with an eyelash brush once per day helps keep the curls neat, tidy, and free from tangles caused by the buildup of product residue.

Condition Your Lashes

Applying conditioner once a week helps keep the hair follicles nourished, allowing the curls to stay intact longer.

Avoid extreme heat

Excessive exposure to heat, such as saunas and steam rooms, may cause the hair cuticles to soften, resulting in less overall definition and decreased curl retention.

Keep them dry

After washing your face, pat dry gently by dabbing away excess water using a soft towel rather than rubbing harshly to dry.

No pillow cuddling

Lying down directly onto pillows or bedding may cause the hairs to flatten and lose curl overnight, leading to the need for a retouch sooner than expected.

What Not To Do After A Lash Lift?

It’s important to remember that lash lifts require special care if you want them to last as long as possible. Here are some things to avoid after getting a lash lift:

  • Don’t rub or wet your lashes within 24 hours: Rubbing and/or wetting your lashes during the first 24 hours can cause damage to the curls before they have had time to set properly into their new shape.
  • Don’t apply any products such as makeup, face cream, or any conditioning oils: Products containing oil could weaken the adhesive used during application, resulting in premature loss of curl.
  • Don’t use a face steamer or sauna: Excessive exposure to heat may cause the hair cuticles to soften, resulting in less overall definition and decreased curl retention.

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