Cat Eye vs natural Lash Extensions: Everything you need to know

If you’ve ever been to a salon for eyelash extensions, you may have heard the terms “cat eye” and “natural eye”. But what do these terms mean? Are there any differences between them?

What are Cat Eye Shape Eyelash Extensions?

Cat eye shape eyelash extensions are a popular choice among those looking to add drama to their look. This style of lashes involves adding length at the outer corners of the eyes and gradually increasing volume towards the center of the lash line. The result is an almond-shaped effect that gives off a seductive feline vibe reminiscent of classic movie stars like Marilyn Monroe or Audrey Hepburn. The cat eye look is often associated with glamour and sophistication, making it perfect for special occasions such as weddings or proms.

What are Natural Lash Extensions?

Natural lash extensions involve using individual lashes that mimic your own natural lashes in both length and thickness. They provide an overall fullness without any dramatic effects like those seen with cat-eye shapes. This type of extension is perfect if you want a subtle enhancement that still looks completely natural on your face – ideal for everyday wear or casual events where bolder styles may be inappropriate. Natural lash extensions usually last longer than other types since they don’t require as much maintenance due to their lack of dramatic curl or lift at the ends (which can cause them to lose shape over time).

Natural Lash Extensions

What is the difference between cat-eye and natural eye?

The main difference between cat-eye and natural eye lash extensions lies in their purpose: while cat-eye lashes are designed to give an intense look with more drama, natural lashes aim for subtlety by mimicking your own lashes without any added effects such as curl or length at certain points along the lash line (like at the outer corner). Additionally, because cat-eye styles require more upkeep due to their dramatic effects, they typically don’t last as long as natural ones when done properly – meaning regular touch-ups may be necessary if you opt for this type of extension instead.

➡️ If you want to learn how to make cat eye and natural eye join our lash masterclass right now!

What eye shape is best for cat eyelashes?

The best eye shape for cat eyelashes is an almond or “doll” shape. This eye shape has a wider outer corner, which allows the extensions to be placed in such a way that they create the desired feline effect. Additionally, those with hooded lids may want to opt for this style as it can help open up their eyes and give them a more dramatic look.

Cat Eye Eyelash Extensions

What eye shape is good for natural lashes?

Natural lash extensions are best suited for those with an oval-shaped eye since this type of extension requires less maintenance and tends to last longer than other styles due to its subtlety. An oval-shaped eye also gives you the option of using multiple different lengths and thicknesses of lash without having any points that stand out too much – creating a more blended, seamless look overall.

Which One is Right for You?

Ultimately, deciding between cat-eye vs natural eyelash extensions depends on your individual preference and what kind of look you’re going for. If you want something dramatic yet glamorous, then cat-eye shapes might be perfect. However, if you prefer something more subtle that still looks natural, then natural lash extensions could be better suited to your needs. Either way, it’s important to consult with a professional before making any decisions so they can advise you on which type would work best based on your individual features.

To help you make the right choice: