What is the worst enemy of eyelash extensions?

Most of the time, there is one thing that can put an end to your beautiful lashes: poor lash hygiene.

Poor Lash Hygiene Is The Biggest Lash Enemy

Poor lash hygiene is the biggest enemy of eyelash extensions because it can cause them to become brittle and break off prematurely. When dirt, oil, and other debris build up around the base of the lashes, they become weaker over time and can eventually lead to lash loss or damage. To keep your lashes healthy and looking their best, it’s important to use oil-free products such as mascara remover or special cleansing solutions designed specifically for removing eye makeup on a regular basis. Additionally, never sleep with your mascara on, as this will cause buildup which may lead to premature shedding of your natural lashes over time.

Heat Is Also The Enemy Of Your Lashes

Heat causes the glue used in extension application to break down faster than normal, which can cause premature shedding or damage if not monitored closely by a professional lash artist. This means that you should avoid wearing hats or using blow dryers too close to your eyes when getting ready in order to prevent any heat damage from occurring. Additionally, hot showers are also known culprits when it comes to damaging eyelashes, so try not to expose them directly while washing up!

Products To Avoid For Optimal Extension Care

There are certain products that should be avoided at all costs if you want optimal care for your extension set, including oil-based mascaras or waterproof formulas. These contain ingredients that could break down adhesive bonds, causing early shedding of natural lashes and improper bonding between individual synthetic hairs within each cluster of extensions (e.g., volume lashing). If you must wear mascara for extra definition, then opt for an oil-free formula instead. This will ensure minimal disruption between individual synthetic hairs in each cluster, resulting in longer-lasting retention overall! Additionally, avoid using heavy creams/lotions near the eyes, as these too could potentially loosen glue bonds, resulting in premature shedding or damage. Always err on the side of caution when applying any type of product around the delicate eye area!

Poor lash hygiene is one of the worst enemies of eyelash extensions due to its ability to weaken adhesive bonds over time, which leads to premature shedding or damage. However, heat exposure also plays an important role here since it breaks down glue faster than normal, leading to the same result if not monitored closely enough by professional technician(s). Finally, remember to avoid using oil-based mascaras or waterproof formulas near the eyes, as these contain ingredients that could disrupt adhesive bonds, leading to early detachment. Instead, opt for a non-oil-free option if possible, or stick with just plain water rinse during weekly fill appointments to keep everything looking fresh and clean without worrying about losing precious strands prematurely.

👉🏻 All the rules to avoid when wearing eyelash extensions are available in our lash tech certification classes.