The Eyelash growth cycle

The eyelash growth cycle is a natural process of lash renewal and replacement in which old lashes fall out and new ones grow in their place. The length of time for each lash growth cycle varies depending on individual genetics, lifestyle habits, and age. Understanding the stages of the eyelash growth cycle will help you take better care of your lashes and maximize their potential beauty!

The 3 Stages Of Lash Growth

To better understand how our eyelashes grow, we must first look at the three distinct stages they go through during their life cycle: Anagen (active growth phase), Catagen (transition phase), and Telogen (resting & shedding phase). Let’s take a closer look at each stage below:

Anagen : Active Growth Phase

The anagen or active growth phase is when your hair follicles are actively producing new hairs or “lashes” as they are commonly referred to. During this stage, which usually lasts between 30-45 days for natural lashes, your existing lashes will become longer due to continued cell division within your hair follicle. This is also why many people see results quickly when using products such as lash serums or extensions because they can target this active growing period with treatments designed specifically for stimulating healthy lash growth!

Anagen Active Growth Phase

Catagen : Transition Phase

The catagen or transition phase follows after anagen has finished its course and typically lasts around 10 days before telogen begins. During this time, the hair follicle shrinks slightly as it prepares itself for resting while still maintaining its structure so that it can be reused later on if needed – think of it like taking a break from work but still keeping everything organized so you can come back easily when ready!

Catagen Transition Phase

Telogen : Resting & Shedding Phase

Finally, we reach telogen or the resting & shedding phase where our eyelashes have completed their life cycle and begin falling out naturally from our skin along with any product we may have applied such as mascara or extensions. This usually takes about 2 weeks before all old hairs have been shed completely, making room for new ones coming up soon afterward!

Telogen Resting & Shedding Phase

How Long Is An Eyelash Growth Cycle?

The average eyelash growth cycle takes around 60-90 days from start to finish. However, this can vary depending on individual genetics and lifestyle habits – some people may have a longer or shorter cycle due to factors such as stress levels, diet, etc. Additionally, the length of time for each phase can also be different depending on your age – younger individuals tend to have faster-growing lashes than older ones!

Lash Growth As You Age

As we age, our lash growth cycles will naturally become slower over time as our bodies produce fewer hairs during the anagen stage. This is why it’s important to take extra care of your lashes as you get older by using products designed specifically for stimulating healthy lash growth and nourishing them with vitamins and minerals that can help prevent breakage and thinning out due to natural wear and tear.

What Is The Lash Shedding Season?

In addition to age-related slowdowns in lash growth cycles, there is also something known as the “lash shedding season” which usually occurs once every 6 months or so when more hairs than usual will begin falling out all at once. This phenomenon is believed to be caused by a combination of environmental factors such as temperature changes or hormonal shifts that trigger an increase in telogen activity, resulting in mass shedding of existing lashes all at once.

How Long Does The Lash Shedding Season Last?

The lash shedding season typically lasts anywhere between 2-4 weeks before things return back to normal again, with new hair follicles taking their place soon afterward! During this period, it’s important not to panic but rather take extra special care of your lashes by using products designed specifically for nourishing them while they grow back stronger and healthier than ever before!

Understanding the eyelash growth cycle is key when it comes to achieving longer, fuller, and more beautiful-looking lashes. By knowing what stages our eyelashes go through during their life cycle, we are able to better target treatments such as serums or extensions towards periods where they are most likely going through active growth phases like anagen or transition phases like catagen. Additionally, understanding the effects aging has on lash cycles along with seasonal shedding seasons can help us further maximize potential beauty results over time!