Castor oil has been used for centuries to treat a variety of health conditions. It is now becoming popular as a natural remedy for hair growth, including eyelashes. Many people have seen positive results from using castor oil on their lashes and brows, but does it really work? In this article we will look at the research surrounding castor oil and its effects on eyelash growth. We will also discuss what you should know before applying castor oil to your lashes, and how to do it safely.
How Long Does It Take For Castor Oil To Grow Eyelashes?
The exact time frame of when you can expect results from using castor oil on your eyelashes varies depending on the individual. However, most people report seeing visible changes in as little as two weeks. Some people may see results sooner or later than this, depending on their particular circumstances. Generally speaking, regular use of castor oil can help promote healthy lash growth over time.

Can Castor Oil Damage Your Eyes?
Castor oil is generally considered safe to use around the eyes, however there are some potential risks associated with it if not used correctly. The most important thing to remember is that you should never apply undiluted castor oil directly into your eyes or onto the skin around them – doing so could cause irritation or damage to the delicate tissue in these areas. Instead, opt for cold-pressed organic products specifically designed for use around the eyes such as Sky Organics Castor Oil Eyelash Serum or NLM NIH Certified Organic Castor Oil Brow & Lash Serum by Cynthia Reviews LLC which are both medically reviewed products suitable for use near your eyes.
Is Castor Oil Safe For Eyelashes?
Yes! When used correctly and diluted with other natural oils such as jojoba or almond oil (which can help reduce any potential irritation), castor oil is generally considered safe for use on eyelashes and eyebrows alike. In addition to promoting healthy hair growth, regular application of cold-pressed organic castor oil can also help nourish lashes while protecting them from breakage due to harsh weather conditions and daily wear-and-tear caused by makeup removal, etc.
Things To Know Before You Apply Castor Oil To Your Eyelashes
Before applying any type of product, including castor oil, onto your eyelids and lashes, it’s important to check with a healthcare professional first, just in case there could be any underlying medical condition that could affect how your body reacts to certain ingredients found within these products. Additionally, make sure that you only buy certified organic, cold-pressed, non-GMO, cruelty-free, and vegan-friendly products specifically designed for eye care. As mentioned above, Sky Organics Castor Oil Eyelash Serum and NLM NIH Certified Organic Brows & Lash Serum by Cynthia Reviews LLC are both great options here.
How To Apply Castors Oils On Lashes
It’s important that you only ever apply diluted versions of pure cold-pressed organic castor oil onto your lashes.
- Start by mixing one part warm water with one part castor oil until combined into an even consistency.
- Then, dip a clean cotton swab into this solution before gently applying it onto each lash line up towards the tips, being careful not to get too close to sensitive areas like the inside corners of the eyes, etc.
- Leave this mixture applied overnight before washing it off thoroughly using lukewarm water in the morning, being sure not to rub too hard against fragile skin areas nearby.
- Repeat nightly until desired results are achieved!
If castor oil doesn’t work to grow your eyelashes, you can try these solutions: