Lash Lift: Everything to Know

If you’ve ever been interested in making your eyelashes look longer, thicker and fuller, then a lash lift may be the right choice for you. A lash lift is a semi-permanent treatment that uses keratin to curl and “lift” your natural lashes without the use of extensions or false lashes. It has become increasingly popular in recent years as it is seen as a safer alternative to eyelash extensions and offers long-lasting results with minimal effort on your part.

What Is a Lash Lift?

A lash lift is essentially like getting an eyelash perm, but instead of using traditional perming rods, special silicone pads are used to curl the lashes upwards. This creates beautifully lifted lashes that last up to 8 weeks without needing any further maintenance apart from a regular cleansing routine. The result is stunningly long-looking eyelashes that are both natural-looking and give you more volume than regular mascara can achieve on its own. The best part about this type of treatment is that it doesn’t require any harsh chemicals or glues, so there’s no risk of damaging your natural lashes like there would be with extensions or false ones.

What Is the Process of Getting a Lash Lift?

The process for getting a lash lift begins with an initial consultation with your beautician, who will assess your current eye makeup look and discuss any allergies you might have before recommending which type of lift would suit you best (there are different types depending on how much curl/length you want). They will then apply some sort of numbing cream around the eyes before placing small silicone shields onto each lid, to which they will attach individual keratin-infused lash lifts (usually two per lid). These are then left for around 15 minutes while they work their magic! Afterward, the beautician will remove them carefully and apply some kind of tinting product that helps set the curls even further while adding subtle coloration too. This usually takes another 10 minutes or so before being removed again. Finally, the beautician will trim off any excess length if needed, and voila – perfectly curled lashes!

What Happens During A Lash Lift?

During the actual procedure itself, not much happens apart from waiting patiently while everything sets into place. Most people find this part quite relaxing actually, as all that’s required is lying still until everything is finished! The beautician will likely check up every few minutes just to make sure everything looks okay though, so don’t worry if you’re feeling anxious about anything at all during this time. Help is always close by! Once finished, however, there should be no discomfort whatsoever, although some people do report mild stinging sensations when applying numbing creams beforehand, which should subside quickly once those are removed again afterwards. If you’re satisfied with the result, you can get your lash lift done fairly regularly to look your best all year round.

What To Do Immediately After A Lash Lift?

Once finished with the procedure, it’s important to take extra care when washing or cleaning around your eyes since freshly treated lashes can sometimes be delicate, so avoid rubbing them excessively or using hot water directly on them (a damp cloth should suffice). It’s also recommended not to wear mascara immediately after either, since this could potentially damage newly curled hairs. Wait at least 24 hours before doing so, just to be safe! Finally, try not to get them wet within 48 hours after receiving treatment, as moisture can interfere with lasting results. If possible, stick mainly indoors during this period, just in case rain catches you out unexpectedly!

lash lift

The Price Of A Lash Lift

The price for getting a lash lift varies depending on where you go, but generally speaking, treatments range anywhere between $50 and $150 USD (though more expensive salons may charge even higher than that!). Generally speaking, cheaper options tend not to offer quality results because less experienced technicians work there. On the other hand, pricier salons often employ experts who know exactly what they’re doing when it comes to these kinds of treatments, so bear that in mind when choosing somewhere suitable for yourself!

Does A Lash Lift Hurt?

No – fortunately, most people report no pain whatsoever during their sessions, although very sensitive individuals may experience mild stinging sensations when numbing cream is applied beforehand. If this does happen, however, rest assured that these feelings should subside shortly afterward once the products have been washed away again!

eyelash lift

Are Lash Lifts Worth It?

Ultimately, whether or not getting yourself one of these treatments is worthwhile depends entirely on personal preference, but overall feedback suggests yes – many people feel satisfied with the end results, especially given how easy the upkeep tends to be compared to other more traditional methods such as applying fake eyelashes or extensions. Plus, let’s face the facts here – having naturally long and voluminous-looking eyelashes never goes out of style either, regardless of whatever fashion trends may come and go over the years. If you can’t decide between a lash lift and eyelash extensions, read our comparison right now!